Instrument Mentors
The Joshua Tree site is located at the Black Rock Campground of California’s southernmost national park, approximately 200 km east of Downtown Los Angeles and about 50 km northeast of Palm Springs. The park sits at the intersection of the lower Colorado Desert and the higher elevation Mojave Desert, and is located between the greater Coachella valley and the Yucca Valley. Despite the remote location, prevailing westerly winds often transport ozone, particulate matter, and precursors for particulate matter into the region, resulting in reduced visibility and ozone above the NAAQS. It is operated by the National Park Service (NPS). It is part of the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) network, Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET), National Trends Network (NTN), and Ammonia Monitoring Network (AMoN). In addition to the ASCENT instrumentation, Joshua Tree also has a suite of instruments listed in the table below that measure a wide range of pollutants and meteorology. Within ASCENT, it is paired with the LA-Pico Rivera and Rubidoux sites to form a more complete picture of the region’s air quality. Live data can be found here and historical data can be found here.
Complementary Instrumentation
Parameter | Instrument | Sampling Frequency | Network* |
O3 | Thermo Scientific 49i | Continuous | A |
Filter PM2.5 (teflon): mass, elements, absorption | IMPROVE Sampler - Module A | 1-in-3 | I |
Filter PM2.5 (nylon): sulfate, nitrate, ions | IMPROVE Sampler - Module B | 1-in-3 | I |
Filter PM2.5 (quartz): organic and elemental carbon | IMPROVE Sampler - Module C | 1-in-3 | I |
Filter PM10 (teflon): mass | IMPROVE Sampler - Module D | 1-in-3 | I |
Dry Deposition | CASTNet 2-Stage filter pack | Weekly | A |
NH3 | Radiello passive sampler | Biweekly | M |
Precipitation Chemistry | N-CON Systems 120 ADS | Weekly | W |
Temperature/Relative Humidity | No info | Continuous | G |
Wind Direction/Speed | RM Young 05305 | Continuous | G |
Precipitation | Texas Electronics 525 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge | Continuous | G |
Solar Radiation | No info | Continuous | G |
*Monitoring Types: G=General Information; A=CASTNET; I=IMPROVE; M=NADP-AMoN; W=NADP-NTN