University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Graduate Student
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Graduate Student
Overlooking the Tennessee Valley from its perch at the western edge of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the Look Rock site (LRK) provides insight into the interactions of anthropogenic and natural emissions in the rural southeastern United States. The National Park Service (NPS) operates the site, which participates in numerous air quality monitoring projects, including Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE), National Core Network (NCore), and Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET). Within ASCENT, LRK acts as the rural comparison to the urban South DeKalb site. A view from the nearby observation tower is available here.
Parameter | Instrument | Sampling Frequency | Network* |
O3 | Thermo 49i | Continuous | A |
SO2 | Thermo 43i-TLE | Continuous | C |
NO2 | TAPI T500EU | Continuous | C |
NOy | Thermo 42i-Y | Continuous | C |
CO | Thermo 48i-TLE | Continuous | C |
PM2.5 | R&P TEOM Series 1400a | Continuous | C |
Filter PM2.5 (teflon): mass, elements, absorption | IMPROVE Sampler - Module A | 1-in-3 | I |
Filter PM2.5 (nylon): sulfate, nitrate, ions | IMPROVE Sampler - Module B | 1-in-3 | I |
Filter PM2.5 (quartz): organic and elemental carbon | IMPROVE Sampler - Module C | 1-in-3 | I |
Filter PM10 (teflon): mass | IMPROVE Sampler - Module D | 1-in-3 | I |
Dry Deposition | CASTNet 2-Stage filter pack | Weekly | A |
NH3 | Radiello passive sampler | Biweekly | M |
Temperature | RM Young 41342VC | Continuous | G |
Relative Humidity | Vaisala HMP45AC | Continuous | G |
Wind Direction/Speed | RM Young AQ 05305 | Continuous | G |
Precipitation | Climatronics Heated Tipping Bucket | Continuous | G |
Solar Radiation | Licor LI-200 | Continuous | G |
Optical Light Scattering Coefficient | Ambilabs 2WIN nephelometer | Continuous | I |
Optical Light Scattering Coefficient | Optec NGS-2 nephelometer | Continuous | G |
*Monitoring Types: C=NCore; G=General Information; A=CASTNET; I=IMPROVE; M=NADP-AMoN