Delta Junction, Alaska


Instrument Mentors

Jingqiu Mao

University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Site PI

Delta Junction
James Campbell

University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Graduate Student

Delta Junction
Congrong Seaar Wang

University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Graduate Student

Delta Junction
Steven Thomas

University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Graduate Student

Delta Junction


Delta Junction (DEJU) is a terrestrial National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) field site located in central Alaska, approximately 150 km southeast of Fairbanks and 15 km south of the community of Delta Junction. The site is in the middle of scrubby evergreen forest, dominated by black spruce (Picea mariana), white spruce (Picea glauca) and American dwarf birch (Betula glandulosa, Betula nana). The site is co-located with NASA AERONET. DEJU primarily collects ecological data, and relevant atmospheric and meteorological instrumentation is listed below. Data products can be accessed here and here. The site cameras can be accessed here and here.

Complementary Instrumentation 

ParameterInstrumentSampling FrequencyNetwork*
CO2, CH4, H2O vaporPicarro G2131-iContinuousE
Aerosol Optical DepthCimel (AERONET)ContinuousO
Temperature, Relative HumidityVaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Probe - HMP 155ContinuousE
Barometric PressureVaisala - BAROCAP Digital Barometer PTB330ContinuousE
Wind Direction/SpeedGill - WindObserver II; Extreme Weather Wind ObserverContinuousE
PrecipitationBelfort AEPG II 600M weighing gaugeContinuousE

*Monitoring Types: E=NEON, O=AERONET